2-Day SPA

June 28th & 29th - luxury hotel in Birmingham

✔️ Our theme for the 2-days is 'WORTHY AF'
✔️ Expansion - stepping into stratospheric self-worth
✔️ Strategy - uniting your worth and wealth 💸💸  
✔️ Hot seat coaching and group masterminding
✔️ Creating your roadmap for 10X  results

Sometimes you just need to be in the right rooms, with the right people

Day One

Arrival time is 11.30am, for a 12noon start.

We'll have time to network with light refreshments, before we settle in for an afternoon of deep reflection and decision-making to help you explode your self worth and use it to 10X your results

Get clarity on the offers, pricing, marketing, messaging and sales to unlock your next level of financial success.

Enjoy a luxurious Afternoon Tea and celebrate with a fizzy toast to your next level goals and success 🥂🥂 before closing at 5pm...

UNLESS... you want to upgrade to the VIP Spa Package and do Day 2 too

Our last UK Retreat event gave the ladies the confidence to create new offers, increase prices and host their own events and retreats too. Everyone left the hotel feeling ready to take powerful and inspired action. LIFE-CHANGING!

Day Two

We'll meet for evening drinks together and an open Q&A - you can ask me literally anything,I'm an open book.

The next day, you can enjoy a healthy breakfast and morning swim if you want to, or swap that for a lay-in and a fry up... it's all available for you.

We'll reconvene as a group at 10am for some hot seat coaching and a powerful masterminding session, where we'll build on your Day One  'discoveries' and dive deeper into what the biggest needle-movers are for you to achieve wild growth and success in your business 

June 28th & 29th 2024

Birmingham, in a gorgeous hotel

£177 / £277 VIP

Our events always deliver


Ready to take some time away from your desk to work ON the business?

Here's what's included in your ticket price;
- mastermind & coaching with Rach ([typically $1,000 p/hour]
- afternoon tea, refreshments and fizzy toast (on day 1)
- evening drinks and open Q&A 🥂 (if you're going VIP)
- day 2 masterminding and coaching (VIP style)
- a special gift to take away with you

You are responsible for booking your own hotel accommodation 


£177 Day 1 Pass

£277 VIP Pass - Day 1&2

Places are very limited